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The Top 10 Cosmetology Schools

Plannig to got to cosmetology therapy school? Use our list of the Top Ten cosmetology Schools to help you determine the best school for your needs and budget. The best cosmetology therapy schools are ranked and listed in rated order.

 The top ten beauty schools in the United States.

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What are the best cosmetology schools?

Cosmetology and beauty schools are quickly becoming some of the most popular in professional degree programs. Many people are discovering that these career directions can be quite profitable, and they also enjoy being able to use their skills to beautify themselves. Still, one of the challenges is finding and choosing a good school. What are the best beauty schools available, and what are the advantages for each?

Top Ten Beauty Schools

  1. Aveda Institutes These schools are directly connected with a line of plant-based beauty products. At the school, students learn how to use these products as part of beauty techniques. The school offers programs in cosmetology, cosmetology, day spa, esthiology, and nail technology. The school has branches across the US.
    Get Info: [ Aveda - LA ] [ Aveda - Chapel Hill, NC ] [ Aveda - Columbus, OH ]
  2. Empire Beauty Schools This education group is one of the largest, with 87 schools across the US. The group is really a mixture of closely connected schools, rather than a single school. The programs available range very broadly, including almost every aspect of beauty training.
    [ Get Info on Empire Beauty Schools ]
  3. Ogle Beauty Schools The Ogle schools were founded by Shelton Ogle in 1973. Though the schools are smaller and limited to only 4 locations in Texas, the training is some of the best. The Ogle schools focus on hands-on training with good training in the business and relational side of managing a salon. Only cosmetology and esthetology programs are available at this time.
  4. Paul Mitchell Schools Located in Waukesha, WI Paul Mitchell began this series of schools in 1980, focusing on basic cosmetology, skin care, and nails. There are a total of 25 schools across the US, with a larger number in California. With competitive admission, students can be confident in the quality of their training, as long as they are able to get into the program.
    [ Get Info on the Paul Mitchell Schools ]
  5. Regency Beauty Institute Regency has 30 locations in 9 states. However, the curriculum is consistent across them all, with adjustments to the number of class hours to meet each state requirement. Programs are available in hair, skin and nails. One of the major benefits to this institute is the quality facilities, small class sizes, and experienced faculty.
    [ Get Info on the >Regency Beauty Institute ]
  6. EI School of Professional Makeup—the most popular and oldest in Hollywood, CA
  7. ARROJO cosmetology, an ivy league school in New York City
  8. Elite Academy of Beauty Arts in Brooklyn, NY
  9. La James College of Cosmetology in Mason City, Iowa
  10. Milan Institute in California, Texas, and Nevada
As always, you should always consider finding a beauty school by searching online. You may discover an excellent school near you that will also provide a quality program.

How were the top 10 cosmetology school rankings and top ten beauty school rankings determined?

This top ten cosmetology school list was created based on evaluating many factors. Factors such as reputation, admissions criteria, graduation rate, cost, grants and scholarships awaredt. As with any rank order or top ten list, the list is of a subjective nature.


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